Best Treatment of Facial & Skin Tightening in Okanagan, British Columbia

Venus Freeze™

Learn why Venus Freeze™ (creating more youthful-looking skin) is right for you!

As we get older, our bodies naturally produce less collagen, leading to skin that looks dull and noticeably aged. Venus Freeze™ provides an extremely comfortable, non-surgical solution that harnesses the power of radio frequency technology to boost collagen production by heating the deeper layer of tissue under the skin. This treatment works to smoothen out fine lines and wrinkles, tighten sagging skin, and restore a refreshed, younger-looking appearance.

Venus Freeze™ provides comfortable anti-aging treatments that tighten the skin and diminish wrinkles with no surgery or downtime. The result is a noticeably refreshed and more youthful-looking appearance. Get Venus Freeze facial in Okanagan, British Columbia from us.

How it works

Venus Freeze™ works by using a combination of Multi-Polar Radio Frequency and Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields. The two technologies work in unison to safely and comfortably heat the tissue under the surface of your skin, which encourages the body to produce more collagen and elastin fibers. This process results in firmer, smoother skin that looks noticeably more youthful on the surface.

Safe for every skin tone:

Radio frequency is proven to be safe and effective for all skin complexions, even darker skin tones.

Noticeable results:

Enjoy smoother, tighter skin after just a few quick treatments.

Comfortable with no downtime:

Treatments are extremely comfortable, and you can return to your day immediately afterward. Learn more 

Skin Tightening Treatments British Columbia

Fibroblast (Plasma Lift)

What to expect from the treatments

Skin tightening Fibroblast using voltaic arcing also referred to as PLASMA, produce mild appreciable cumulative improvements in the appearance of fine lines and also reduces the appearance of sagging skin. For immediate and dramatic results please refer to cosmetic surgery.

The basic principle of skin tightening by using Fibroblast (Plasma Lift).

Young, elastic skin depends on the number of structural proteins such as collagen and elastin. These proteins help your skin resist temporary changes such as stretching, folding, or wrinkling. As we age, our bodies produce less of these structural proteins, making our skin more prone to show signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles.

A mild superficial controlled burn by using AC voltaic arcs, DC voltaic arcs or Lasers induces a skin tightening effect which helps the skin restore more of its natural elasticity. This occurs because a localized excitation, stimulates the skin’s regeneration response, resulting in firmer, tighter skin between the wrinkles and hence the reduction in the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Similar results are also possible by using other skin rejuvenation methods, like AHAs (alpha hydroxy acid) based cosmetic peels, however the use of voltaic arc or cosmetic lasers are generally more selective because it can be applied exactly where required, therefore inducing the skin tightening exactly where your client needs it, with a higher degree of precision. We refer to this type of skin tightening in Okanagan, British Colombia as “localised skin tightening” or “targeted skin tightening”

Generally, Localised Skin Tightening can be accomplished by using:

  • Lasers devices,
  • Electrical arcing devices.

The basic principle used by all these types of devices is the same, which is the targeted delivery of heat into the skin. When this is done the skin tends to respond by generating new collagen which results in tighter and firmer skin. Common areas treated:

  • Upper Eyelid tightening
  • Lower Eyelid tightening
  • Crow’s feet attenuation (Periorbital lines attenuation)
  • Mini Facelifts
  • Smoker lines attenuation. (Perioral lines attenuation)
  • Atrophic Scars attenuation including acne and chicken pox scar attenuation.

Microdermabrasion Facial In British Columbia

Your skin is exposed to environmental elements every day. The sun’s rays, pollution, and other damaging agents can take a toll on your skin. Microdermabrasion treatment in Okanagan, British Colombia can help reduce or eliminate the wrinkles and fine lines, “crow’s feet,” age spots, light acne scars, and undesired pigmentation that may appear on the skin over time.

What is Microdermabasion?

Microdermabrasion is a non-chemical, non-invasive procedure that uses a spray of microcrystals to remove the outermost layer of dry, dead skin cells and reveal younger, healthier-looking skin. Microdermabrasion also encourages the production of a new underlying layer of skin cells with higher levels of collagen and elastin, which further improves your skin’s appearance. Microdermabrasion is much gentler than dermabrasion. Dermabrasion is a more intensive procedure used to treat deeper facial lines, extreme sun damage, and scars.

What to expect:

A treatment room with a heated massage bed (biomat) and soft music creates a tranquil setting for the three-part, 60-minute skin-rejuvenation treatment. After you nestle into the cozy warm bed, a clinician begins removing any makeup with an organic cleanser. Then, the clinician glides a microdermabrasion device across your face, exfoliating dead surface cells. When the skin is fully resurfaced, the technician performs a cold-laser treatment designed to heighten blood flow to key problem areas, revitalize skin, and remove fine lines and wrinkles. The clinician then applies a custom nutrient mask. A relaxing facial massage and an application of sunscreen protects skin and marks the end of the treatment. In sum, the services stimulate collagen production and thereby give the complexion a tighter, younger look with no downtime or pain involved in the process. Naramata Laser Skin Tightening in Okanagan, BC uses the exclusive skin botanical line of products.


Ideal Candidates for Microdermabasion

The ideal candidates for microdermabrasion are healthy adults who have relatively minor skin conditions or imperfections and realistic expectations about what microdermabrasion can and cannot do. Because microdermabrasion is a mild, non-invasive procedure that cannot remedy sagging skin or correct deep facial creases or folds, such issues must be addressed with procedures such as face lift, laser skin tightening Fibroblast, and Venus Freeze™

Microcurrent Avazzia

What is microcurrent facial?

A microcurrent facial is often referred to as a “natural” facelift. “This safe and painless facial helps erase fine lines and wrinkles, while firming your skin and defining your features. It improves muscle tone, reduces puffiness, increases cellular activity, and tightens pores. The overall result is a healthier and younger looking skin, no matter your age.

Microcurrent technology has been around since the 1800’s as a treatment for damaged tissues and muscles. But when a physician of a Bell’s palsy patient noticed that the face of his patients appeared much smoother and younger looking after receiving microcurrent therapy, one of the world’s first high-tech aesthetic treatments was born.

A microcurrent facial emits extremely low-voltage electrical currents (hence ‘micro’ current), which mirror your own body’s electrical currents, on a cellular level to repair damaged skin and stimulate collagen and elastin production. The intensity is so slight that it would take one million microcurrent machines to light a 40-watt light bulb. This treatment is often referred to as “facial toning” because it’s like a workout for your face, whereby skin cells are broken down and then grow back stronger, the same way your muscles do after lifting weights. “It works simultaneously to repair a product collagen in the dermis, the deepest layer of your skin, while gently erasing signs of aging in the epidermis, the top layer of your skin. According to studies, a microcurrent facial can increase collagen production up to 14%, elastin increases 48% and blood circulation goes up 38%”.

How and Why does the use of Micro-current help someone look younger?

  1. As a result of increased perfusion, the skin experiences a renewed and rejuvenated look.
  2. As a result of the underlying muscle stimulation, the skin will take on the appearance of greatly increased smoothness- EASILY noticeable.
  3. The signal activates acupuncture points on the face that affect the entire body and generates a feeling of relaxation.
  4. Microcurrent causes an increase in energy, which may be noticed as having a little more “spring in the step”.
  5. Repeated use provides accumulative benefits. The results look better and last longer. One single use lasts up to 7 to 10 days. Twice weekly use maintains peak performance and appearance.
  6. Results are immediate
  7. Production of collagen and realignment of collagen in skin helps to reduce the appearance of scars/scar tissue.
  8. Technology is non-toxic, non-invasive, has no side-effects, simple to use, can even be used over make-up, is portable (hand-held), can be used anywhere and anyplace user sees fit.

Eight Key Aspects of Microcurrent

  1. Signal triggers brain’s repair response.
  2. Increased perfusion at site.
  3. Neuropeptides released and production ramped up. Results in pain relief and speeds healing.
  4. Reduces Inflammation, swelling, edema – rapidly.
  5. Increases ATP in Mitochondria.
  6. Stimulates C-fibers- insures continued healing and pain reduction.
  7. Increases Lymphatic drainage.
  8. Continued use is Accumulative- pain relief lasts longer between uses; rate of healing maximized.


When it comes to reducing brown spots, redness and other cosmetic concerns from the face, over the counter products often fall short of desired results. At Naramata Lifestyle, our photorejuvenation.

What is IPL Photorejuvenation?

Short for Intense Pulsed Light, IPL photorejuvenation is also known as a photofacial. This popular treatment features multiple wavelengths of pulsed light that treat a wide range of skin conditions underneath the skin surface.

IPL photorejuvenation has been shown to successfully treat several cosmetic skin concerns on the face, hands, neck and chest, including:

  • Rosacea
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Broken blood vessels
  • Age spots
  • Dark spots
  • Texture irregularities

What are the Benefits of IPL Photorejuvenation?

When compared to other skin rejuvenation treatments such as chemical peels and other lasers, IPL photorejuvenation has several advantages:

  1. IPL photorejuvenation is non-invasive and non-surgical, creating dramatic results with zero downtime
  2. As IPL bypasses the skin surface, there is minimal discomfort and no scarring
  3. Depending on the areas being treated, IPL photorejuvenation can be accomplished in about 20-30 minutes and is easy to fit into any busy schedule
  4. This treatment targets cosmetic concerns underneath the skin at a cellular level, a level of rejuvenation that is unattainable with many alternative treatments.

Am I a Good Candidate for IPL Photorejuvenation?

During your consultation, our medical team will evaluate your individual condition and other factors to determine if IPL photofacial is right for you. Ideal candidates are typically light-skinned individuals without a tan, and we will help you determine the best course of treatment to achieve your desired results.

Is IPL Photorejuvenation Safe?

While other skin rejuvenation treatments can irritate or damage the skin and cause scarring, IPL photorejuvenation is proven to be safe and effective with no healing time necessary. A few days of slight redness are commonly experienced after treatment, but should subside quickly.

How Long Will My Results Last?

While IPL photorejuvenation can improve the look and feel of your skin after just one treatment, multiple sessions may be necessary to achieve your desired results. As the skin ages, maintenance sessions are typically recommended in order to add longevity to your clearer, healthier skin.

Cold laser light

Cold laser treatment methods is a somewhat innovative technology when compared to the a great number of alternative therapies such as acupuncture (that’s been practiced since 8000-3500 B.C.), chiropractic (since 1895) as well as physical therapy. Just like the abacus evolved into the computer, a variety of alternative medicine practices are expanding to also include light therapy. More recent advancements in low-level lasers now make it possible for the average medical professional or individual to own cold laser equipment. Cold lasers are sometimes called Low Level Lasers (LLL) or soft lasers.

Cold Laser treatment offers a non-intrusive option to acupuncture and surgery. It additionally allows for a non-addicting treatment which usually eliminates the complications associated with long-term medication treatment programs. Cold lasers tend to be commonly utilized for treatment associated with: Acute and chronic joint pain, Tendon strains, Muscle strain, Soft tissue injuries, Tendonitis, Arthritis, Tennis elbow, Back soreness, Bursitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, in addition to Fibromyalgia.

In general, cold lasers usually are implemented in 2 specific methods. One is in fact Targeting acupuncture trigger points (analogous to acupuncture however minus the needles) and the other is actually by using Wide coverage of deep tissue with laser photons in order to spark changes within the tissue.

The cold laser creates an impulse of light at a specific wave length (typically 905nm) which will diminishes reflection in addition to scattering but maximized absorption of the energy (in photons) at a desire depth.

Various conditions such as joint pain involve a deep penetration (4-5 inches) that can only be accomplished using a super-pulsed laser emitter. Many systems also contain other lower wavelengths in addition to lower-power emitters for treating shallow tissue (like the lymph system or even surface scars). In addition, red light diode with a wave length of 660 nm could be utilized to add energy to even shallower levels of tissues. It is definitely the over-all judgement that wavelengths less than 660 nanometers are usually very easily absorbed within the surface tissue and are not optimized pertaining to deep tissue healing.

The purpose of laser therapies is to provide light energy units via infrared laser radiation, referred to as photons, to damaged cells. It is the preference of industry experts is that photons absorbed by the cells by way of laser therapy stimulate the mitochondria to boost production of ATP. This specific biochemical increase in cell energy can be utilized to enhance live cells from a state connected with illness to a stable, healthy state.

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